Submarine KILO Class 1/72 by RCsubs

SKU-0206-STL    Price: 165$ or 145 €  (on order)

SKU-0206    Price: 325$ or 288€  (on order)

Contact for order:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Payment method:     

Worldwide Shipping: 35$ or 28 €


Made of PLA filament from the company:     

Tube material: PVC
length model: 980 mm
width of hull: 125 mm
dimensions of the tube: Ø125 mm X 2.8 mm X 375 mm
number of parts: 16 pcs
Weight model: 1200 g


Sale of STL files. Etched parts will be delivered by postal service including CD with STL data.

RCsubs reserves the right to update these files.

Etched parts can only be delivered to the customer who once purchased STL data.

The maximum object size STL (printed on PRUSA MK3S)


Scale 1/40

 Hull:  X=190 mm, Y=180 mm, Z=199 mm

 SKU-0206-STL   Price: 165$ or 145 €



Photo etched deck and details for Kilo Class including the railing for the hull of the submarine



STL Sample

how to print this submarine, information here

Submarine KILO Class  1/72 

  SKU-0206   Price: 325$ or 288 € 

Download assembly instructions

3D printed parts

(Some parts can be slightly repaired with sealant and glue after production)



                                                                            Screws and nuts (M2, M3)


                                                                                     PVC Tube 125 mm


Front pull-out rudders only RC version 


Photo etched deck and details for Kilo Class including the railing for the hull of the submarine



PROTOTYPE-plastic parts with 3D printing